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Our Wish List

All prices in US Dollars. 

You can help in one of three ways:-

One Time Donations

Makhaza Primary

  • Install internet

  • Solar System upgrading, security for the system, Internet and projector.

  • textbooks/Readers to help improve reading levels

  • Furniture ie chairs and desks

  • Early Childhood Devt Classroom block; the 13 classrooms we have are not enough for our 524 learners

  • Toilets; All the school toilets are old and some are no longer usable

  • Teachers’ cottage to improve teachers’ residence who currently share at a rate of 1 cottage to 3 teachers

  • More laptops; To improve laptop learner ratio for an effective use

  • Early Childhood Devt Play centre

  • Chalkboards

  • Wall paints

  • Stationery for an effective teaching and learning process

Mathula Secondary

  • Floors

  • Furniture for computer lab

  • Tiles for computer lab and offices

  • Science equipment

  • Sewing machines

  • Doors

  • Desk and chairs

  • Blackboards

  • Textbooks

  • School Fence

  • Sports equipment

  • Build staff room

  • Painting all building

  • School vehicle

  • Overhead projector

Sponsor a Student

  • Pay for a primary students term fees - $12 per term

  • Pay for a secondary students term fees - $50 per term

  • Pay for a year 11 student

  • Pay for a year 12 student

  • Sponsor a student to learn a trade 

Fund a Recurring Payment

  • Fund Makhaza monthly internet - Approximately $90 per month

  • Fund Mathula monthly internet - Approximately $90 per month 

Makthula School Package

The most beneficial donation we can give is a Makthula package.


The package includes 

  • Solar and battery installation

  • clasroom wiring

  • 20 laptops 

  • 15 chess sets

  • Scrabble, Goblet Gobblers, backgammon, mastermind


The cost of this package is approximately $20,000.00


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